Ms. Janeen Johnson, Parent Coordinator, has been part of the High School of Art & Design community since 2003. As parent coordinator Ms. Johnson supports families as she creates a welcoming environment, hosts parent meetings and directly involves herself with her students and their families. Parent Coordinators are the first people families should contact when they have questions or concerns about their children's schools.
Ms. Johnson is a part of the administrative team that works for school principals. In addition, she works closely with School staff, School Leadership Teams, Title I PAC, Parent Teacher Association, community groups, and parent advisory councils to engage families and involve them in school communities. As parent coordinator Ms. Johnson assists with identifying issues of concern to families and working with school leaders to ensure that these issues are addressed in a timely manner.
She is actively involved with students and supports them and their families. She is generally involved in all activities that pertain to students and their parents.
You may contact Ms. Johnson at 347-563-5129 or 212-752-4340 jjohnson32@schools.nyc.gov
Attention Parents/Guardians, carefully review your child’s biographical information.
If any information is incorrect, email Ms. Steele at SSteele13@school.nyc.gov or
you can call the school at 212-752-4340 ext. 10302.
PLEASE NOTE: Department of Education policy requires proof to make the following corrections: If your child’s address changes - a utility bill, cable bill, phone bill or lease agreement is required. If your child’s name is incorrect or needs changes - his/her birth certificate or legal name documentation is required. If there is a person who may NOT HAVE ACCESS to your child – legal documentation is required.
Please have your child bring the required proof to Ms.Steele in Room 103.