How do you ensure a fair and equitable environment for all your students?
We have established an equity team to address all issues related to equity needs based on assessment given throughout the year.
The principal holds town hall meetings frequently with students, parents and the entire school community.
We have two clubs to discuss and problem solve issues related to equity and gender: The Women United and Men of Impact
We have support groups for the LGBTQ group with CRP (Community Revitalization Partnership)
We also have a COVID support group for all displaced members of our community
We are establishing a student activation group that would develop curriculum around equity and leadership programs for under-served groups within our community.
Is there a free/reduced lunch program at the school?
What social emotional support is available to our students?
Licensed social worker on site to meet with students individually or in groups.
Our social worker also supports our parental community.
My student has an IEP/504, how will you support them?
Instruction is differentiated to accommodate all of our learners. We have a full time guidance, and counseling team to support students in addition to a full time Assistant Principal Special Education. Team teaching occurs where special education teachers support students together with a general education teacher in most classes.
Is there technology available in the school?
There are multiple laptop carts (PC and Mac) that the students have access to. There are also printers in the library. Promethean boards in the classroom, and full computer labs equipped with software required for their art majors
What software do the students have access to?
Students currently have access to the full Adobe suite with their email addresses, as well as unlimited cloud storage through google drive.
Students can also access Microsoft and all related programs.
How should my son/daughter prepare their portfolio for auditions?
Full description and support videos are available on our website under Admissions / Auditions.
How should I prepare for the entrance exams?
Please read and review the description on the website under Admissions / Auditions.
How will I know if I got in?
The High School Enrollment Office will notify the guidance department at your school with all admission information.
Which art majors are offered?
We have majors in architecture, illustration, cartooning, animation, graphic design, photography, film, and fashion.
Although we do not offer Game Design at Art and Design, we have partnered with Adobe’s School of Interactive Studies who introduces our sophomores to basic game development and students can join their program in Game Development and Design if interested.
We also offer many after-school art clubs led by our talented art and academic teachers, including our very own HSAD Drama Club which meets in our fully functioning Black Box Theater.
What are the art facilities like?
Our students have access to state of the art facilities. Our Graphic Design, Film/video, Photography and Animation studios are all equipped with Mac’s.
We do not have darkrooms for photography as our program is a fully digitized program.
Our fashion department has industrial sewing machines and sergers.
The illustration and cartooning departments have access to carts to allow digital artwork alongside hand-on materials and workspace. Students use iPads to complete digital painting and art assignments.
When will students choose their major?
Students choose their major at the end of their Freshman year. They will be exposed to different projects in their foundation art classes and exhibitions throughout the year that will familiarize them with the choices and the type of work which each major produces in order to make an informed decision.
Can students change their major?
We make every effort to place students in the major of their choice and give them the information to make an informed decision. However, it is not unusual for students to change their minds. We will accommodate students’ requests to the extent that it is possible during the sophomore year. Students who change majors after the tenth year will find themselves a full year behind in the curriculum. As a result, changes are far less common and require parental permission if a seat is available in the new major.
How can I keep track of my child’s progress in school?
We currently have two programs that allow parents to track their child’s progress: Jupiter and Kinvolve for outreach.
Progress reports are shared with parents during the mid-marking period and report cards at the end of every marking period. The academic year has three marking periods during each semester.
How can I address issues of concerns with teachers and the guidance counselors?
Tuesdays are set aside for parental concerns and outreach. Guidance will create sessions with all the teachers should a parent request a meeting. Teachers notify parents of possible issues as they arise and these are followed up with either in person or Virtual meetings on Tuesdays.
What are the academic expectations of my child at Art & Design?
HSAD students are expected to meet the same academic standards such as Regents/ Advanced Regents diplomas as any high school in NYC in addition to completing the requirements of a CTE diploma and, as of recently, a Visual Arts Endorsement. Students are capable of TRIPLE certification by the end of the senior year.
We know you have an excellent art program. How do academics compare to the arts?
We hold our students to the same high standards in our academic classes as in the art program. This is evident in our high college acceptance rates and 45% of our students earn scholarships and acceptance to prestigious colleges for non-arts programs.
What are the Course Requirements at The High School of Art and Design?
4 years of English, Social Studies, Math and Science
2 or 3 years of a Foreign Language: Spanish
1 year of Foundations of Art
1 year of Art History
1 year of Computer Art Technology (Adobe Cloud and AutoDesk CADD)
3 years of Art Major
1 Term of Health Education
4 Years of Physical Education
Advanced Regents Diploma Requirements
Global History
US History
One Life Science Regent: Living Environment
One Physical Science Regent: Earth Science, Chemistry or Physics
Three Math Regents: Algebra, Geometry and Algebra II- Trigonometry
NYC Commencement Exam in the Visual Arts.
Technical Assessments for seniors in all their art majors.
What AP courses do you offer?
AP World History
AP US History
AP Illustration( Drawing)
AP Photography (2D Design)
AP Calculus AB
AP Biology
AP Chemistry
AP English Language
AP English Literature
AP Participation in Government
How does Art & Design prepare my child for college academically and artistically?
Opportunity for students to earn advanced Regents Diploma
Advance Placement and College Now courses through the CUNY system
Naviance- College and Career Readiness Program
Scholarship and Awards opportunities
Free Tutoring services in all subject areas
Free FAFSA workshops
CTE Certified Majors
Internship opportunities with industry partners
Workshops arranged through our industry partners in resume writing, interviewing skills and professional work ethics.
Workshops with industry professionals and partnerships
In –class presentations by various industry professionals.
Articulation agreements with local colleges: CUNY City College; Buffalo State; NYIT; Manhattan College,and Hostos College.
College fairs in junior and senior year to familiarize students with expectations and requirements.
Volunteer and Community Service programs
National Honor Society
SAT Prep courses
Mentoring program for seniors to assist in applying to college
Does this study lead to successful college applications and programs?
Our programs of study are aligned with similar majors in all art colleges including local art schools such as Cooper Union, Pratt Institute, FIT, SVA, SUNY Purchase and currently our students are represented at all of these institutions as well as RISD, SCAD, MICA, Chicago Art Institute, CalArts, Boston Museum School, SUNY New Paltz, and many others across the country.
However, not all our students choose to continue their studies with a focus in the arts. Our alumni can also be found at Cornell, Yale, Columbia, NYU, RIT, Syracuse, Boston College, SUNY Binghamton, SUNY Albany, etc.
Can Art and Design Art programs lead students to a professional career?
Each major offered represents a viable profession and are taught by teachers who worked in the field. In addition, all the arts curricula are developed through the input of industry professionals and college academia who ensure that the courses are aligned with the college expectations whilst meeting industry standards.
Art & Design also has a robust internship / work based learning program. You can learn more by visiting our internship page HERE.
Will my child achieve some type of professional certification?
As we are the only art school in New York City who can boast that all our art programs at Art and Design are New York State Career and Technical Education approved programs, all our students can graduate with a proficiency in various professional certifications.
Our graduates can earn triple endorsed Regents diplomas: Advanced Regents, CTE endorsed and Art Endorsed diplomas.
What professional certificates are available to students at Art and Design and paid for by the school?
We currently are a testing center for the following certifications:
Certiport Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign; Premier Pro and AutoCADD. We also offer SkillUSA certifications in Photography, Graphic Design 3D Design and Animation. Nocti certification in the Visual Arts and Nocti Fashion and Fabrications certificate.
Have any alumni gone on to become working professionals in the art field?
Art & Design has a robust and rich alumni community. Countless alumni are working in the visual arts and related fields. http://artdesignalumni.com/
What accommodations does the school make to students with physical disabilities?
The school is handicap accessible as per NYC Regulations. Students can select from any of the majors. WBL activities are available to all our students regardless of their physical abilities.
What materials would my child need to purchase when they enter the school?
Art and Design has a student art supply store on the premises and we offer all our students a deep discount, almost the cost price, on all their supplies. Students admitted to the school as freshmen can purchase their supplies during their freshmen orientation. Students admitted to the school will be provided with basic art supplies during their freshman year. Each major has their own supply list and costs vary.
What is the difference between Art & Design and LaGuardia?
We are a CTE (Career and Technical Education) high school educating students for a career in commercial art. LaGuardia is a fine arts school. We specialize in the visual arts; they are primarily a performing art school with an art department. We have a far larger and varied visual / digital arts department with specific majors taught by teachers who have been professionals in their field. The curricula for all our programs are developed through a team of professionals including industry professional and post-secondary academics to ensure the material is current, addresses both the digital art requirements as well as hands on experiences.
Thus our curricula allow students to be fully prepared for internships in their fields as well as their courses of study in post-secondary institutions. The students learn the basics of submitting work to art directors, understanding digital applications as well as the fine art. Our students are taught a very academic approach to drawing and painting, from which they develop their own voice and skills in their artwork. Our students have the opportunity to intern, apply digital media in their artmaking and are fully prepared to use all available artmaking media of their choice.
My child is interested in learning film/video production but I am concerned that there are not many career opportunities in that field.
Film/Video production is already a multi-billion dollar industry and growing. Beyond cinema and television, with the exponential growth of broadband and smartphones, people are consuming information primarily in the form of video and multimedia has become an integral part of our daily lives.
Students have workshops through our partner Apollo, participate in national competitions like WABCTV/Get Reel With Your Dreams where the students have won more than $200,000 with their PSA’s. Our student films have been accepted to view at the prestigious Tribeca Film Festival. Our Film Department also has a strong partnership with HBO Max Pa’Lante and WarnerMedia.
Would I be required to purchase any equipment if my child chooses to major in film?
It's all provided! All students majoring in film have access to state of the art cameras and professional editing facilities that they can use while in the classroom.
Has your film department won any awards and do you have any industry partnerships?
The High School of Art & Design Film Department was named by TriBeCa Film Institute as one of the top film departments in the city. Winning first place in the Citywide Graphic Arts Competition for the past five years in a row, the program has secured industry partnerships with TriBeCa Film Institute, Maysels institute, Apollo Theater, Disney/ABC, Tony Bennett's Exploring the Arts, the Museum of the Moving Image, and countless others. Our film students have won over $200,000 for their films, and their work has been screened at the Museum of the Moving Image, the Sony Theatre, and in taxi cabs throughout New York City as three-time first place winners in ABC/Disney's Get Reel With Your Dreams competition. For more information please contact our Film/Video Teacher, Mr. Harchol, at hharchol@artanddesignhs.org
English Department:
How does my child get into an Honors class?
If students request AP World history class for sophomore class, they are automatically assigned honors English for sophomore year. We monitor Freshmen English scores in determining honors English. Upon reaching sophomore year, students are also nominated by teachers for acceptance upon review of averages in English coursework. Honors class rosters are reviewed each year; with a great work ethic, all students are eligible.
How does the English curriculum support social emotional learning?
All English classes offer mindfulness activities once a week to allow students to express and address their concerns and feelings related to COVID 19.
Is there a summer reading list?
A copious list of options for every grade level is usually distributed in the spring. You will receive it upon acceptance when you attend Freshman Orientation in June. It will also be posted online.
Here is our Summer Art Assignments: https://www.artanddesignhs.org/summer-assignments
Are AP courses offered?
We offer Advanced Placement Language and Composition to juniors and Advanced Placement Literature and Composition to seniors. Acceptance into these classes are based on student interest, work ethics combined with teacher recommendation.
Math Department:
I took Algebra in middle school, do I have to take it again in high school?
If you passed the state testing for those classes you will be placed in the next level available
Does my child need a calculator?
Yes, if possible we recommend the TI84+CE. However, we understand that this might be a bit expensive so another good alternative is the TI 36XPro or in remote learning they can use the calculator in Delta Math or Desmos.
What are the math sequences at Art and Design?
Algebra, Geometry, Algebra 11, Pre-calculus and AP-Calculus.
If I passed Algebra and the English regents, do I still have to continue with Math and English?
Yes. We recommend that students Art and Design take 4 years of the core classes to fully prepare them for admission to college.
What support can students expect in the math department?
Tutoring schedules are posted to allow maximum student support during the week.
Lessons are scaffolded to support students in their learning.
Real life applications are made so students can make connections to the real world using math.
What science sequences do we follow at Art and Design?
Living environment followed by either Chemistry or Earth science
Third year science could include Physics, AP Biology or AP Chemistry or Earth science
In senior year we offer all the AP courses in science as well as Forensic science for those students who would like to take it as an elective course or pursue a career in forensic science as a sketch artist /illustrator.
What Sports teams does Art and Design have?
Due to COVID-19, all PSAL activities require proof of vaccination for all participants.
Soccer (Boys and girls)
Baseball Boys Varsity
Basketball Boys Varsity
Basketball Girls Varsity
Bowling Coed Varsity
Fencing Coed Varsity
Handball Coed Varsity
Soccer Boys Varsity
Softball Girls Varsity
Volleyball Boys
Volleyball Girls
Table Tennis (girls)
What afterschool clubs meet at Art and Design?
Circuit Training
WE Program
African Studies
Men of Impact
Philosophy Club
Gay Straight Alliance
Cru Club
Women United
Gaming Club
Mythical Club
Green Team
Painting and Drawing
Step Team
Creative Agency
Killer Klaws
Girl Hack
Track Club
Science Club