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I. Portfolio 

Upload photographs of 3 to 6 pieces of original artwork that includes the following:

1. A Self-portrait, done from observation (from observation means you draw at yourself by looking at your face in a mirror.) 

2. A still life, done from observation (from observation means you draw objects placed before you on a table). 

3. You may choose the remaining 1 to 4 pieces you wish to include.  Fashion design drawings that show your creativity and passion for fashion design is suggested.


II. Student Introduction

Upload a short video or written explanation about the uploaded pieces of original artwork. Discuss brands, fashion influencers, celebrities and style of clothing you like. Tell us why you are interested in fashion design as a major. Your video should be no longer than 2 minutes. Written explanations should be no more than 500 words.  


III. Virtual Performance Task: 

Drawing the human figure from life.

Have a family member pose for you somewhere in your house. The person can stand or sit for the pose. Your drawing should include the person’s face, hairstyle and clothing. Background furniture, hanging artwork or curtains can be included. 


The drawing should be completed within 30-45 minutes. We are looking to see how you develop your drawing. Please take photographs of your work throughout your drawing and submit 4 photographs for the drawing at the follow times: 

1. A photograph after  5 minutes. 

2. A photograph after 10 minutes. 

3. A photograph after  20 minutes. 

4. A photograph of the completed drawing at 30-45 minutes. 


IV. Creative Drawing

Design a fashion outfit inspired by a sandwich. This fashion look should be reflective of colors, textures and shapes of one of the fashion sandwiches shown in the exam. 

Draw a FANTASTICAL SANDWICH DRESS OR OUTFIT. Use your imagination and creativity – we want to see your wildest ideas of what to include to create this outfit. Who would where it?  When? Why ? Consider how you can add accessories like shoes, hats, jewelry and a bag that also complete the FANTASTICAL SANDWICH theme. Enjoy drawing and have fun with it! 


We may invite you to a “call back”  Make sure we have a phone number and email address to contact you.

You can view the Audition Rubric HERE


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